AyA Kitchen Studio (Downtown)
140-10216 124 St NW
Edmonton AB T5N 4A3
Tel: 1.780.454.4292 Fax: 780.453.1914
E-mail: edmonton@ayakitchens.com
AyA Kitchens of Red Deer
Unit #7 7711-50th Ave
Red Deer, Alberta, T4P 1M2
Phone: 403.341.5884
E-mail: ayakitchensrd@gmail.com
Creative Kitchens
1142 MacDonald Street
Regina, Saskatchewan S4N 4X3
Tel: 1.306.569.4699 Fax: 306.569.4626
E-mail: creativekitchens@accesscomm.ca
Friedt Finishing Inc
2639 Faithfull Ave
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 5W2
Tel: 1.306.668.6177 Fax: 306.668.6199
E-mail: Tait.kitchens@sasktel.net
AyA Kitchens of Vancouver
630 Chester Road
Delta, BC V3M 5V8
Tel: 1.604.522.0202
E-mail: vancouver@ayakitchens.com
AyA Kitchens of Winnipeg
817 Kapelus Drive, Unit B
West St. Paul, MB R4A 5A4
Mobile: 204.880.5757 Office: 204-414-3544
E-mail: James@ayamb.ca